Episode 9: Is People Pleasing Stealing Your Dreams?

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We are constantly pulled in so many directions which many times can make us feel stretched thin, overwhelmed, exhausted.  Add to this the guilt that we aren’t rocking it in any direction- makes for a toxic and never-ending cycle!   

In this episode I share another sneak peek into one of our Rise to Reign Live events where we can see one of my dear friends struggle with this issue- opportunities come her way but she has been sabotaging herself. The conflict and tension she feels are palpable and we experience her breakthrough when she sees how simple this can be. 

The solution to this is not as complicated as one would think. The answer is to get very clear on what serves YOU, on what exterior pressures and requests to say yes to and what to say no to. It doesn’t mean we choose the comfortable answer.  Remember that some of our greatest times of growth and strength come from what we fear. Be honest with yourself.  It comes down to the truth.  Can you come from an undefended state?  Ask yourself “is this for me? Does this serve me? Am I feeling pulled in a certain direction?”  If you feel pulled in a particular direction, COMMIT! Without worry, without negotiation.  It is usually a clear YES or NO.  The discipline is to not get into manipulation.  So often we miss out on miracles and opportunities because we don’t trust our guidance and inner wisdom.  Once you commit the rest starts to fall into place.  The path becomes clear and the way to reach that goal becomes clear. 

When things get muddy is when we have not committed.  We expend energy on what is not real, on what is not true.  We envision what would happen if, and make up stories “I don’t know how, I don’t have…”.  These manifestations of the ego will only lead you to ruin, decay and destruction. 

When you know who you are, when you can get clarity around what is needed and what is true, you hand yourself the keys to your queendom, to inner peace.  This is what Rise to Reign is all about- breaking free from overwhelm, discovering true fulfillment and living a life without limits. 

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You must subscribe on iTunes and post a review to be entered into the weekly drawing. One of the lucky weekly winners will win a private and in-person self-discovery day with Amy.

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February 7, 2020

Calling, Podcast, Relationships

unpopular truth:

Women are not wired to experience success in the same texture as men. There’s a bioLOGICAL reason why you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, turned off and burned out (as well as have a hard time relaxing, having fun and enjoying your hard won success) And there’s a bioLOGICAL solution as well.

I burned down everything I built in my hustle era and through a process of death and rebirth, began to practice creating from the center of my femininity, in devotion to, held by and contained within the ultimate masculine structure - Father God.

This space and my trademarked Rise to Reign framework are devoted to feminine reclamation: healing our relationship with the masculine (God, men + money). I’m so honored to walk alongside you on our journey home - to God, ourselves and our rightful place as the crown jewel of creation.

I built an entire business on female “empowerment” and lived what I taught but wound up feeling burned out and far from my purpose with frustrating health issues and problems in my relationships.

What I learned the hard way is embodiment (not empowerment) is where feminine fulfillment is found. The timeless truths of unique, feminine biology and divine design, are where our true power lies. 

more of amy

beloved daughter, wife, mama, jigsaw puzzle enthusiast and recovering boss babe.

Hello Love & welcome


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When you remember and reclaim your feminine identity, you experience ease, flow and alignment in your life. First, you have to shine the light of self awareness on the wounds and patterns that keep you stuck. In this free mini course, Amy introduces the Rise to Reign Framework and identity archetypes - the key to cultivating holistic health and wealth for the feminine body and soul. 

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Reclamation of Feminine Design

Peace of mind, restoration of relationships, abundance of provision and fulfillment by honoring feminine bioLOGICAL design.



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